1. his openmindedness has been his strength and weakness as a writer.
- 강점이자 약점이라는 표현.
- 열린 태도: openmindedness
2. he seems to hedge a little, but in general he sticks to it that an anarchistic form of society is compatible with a high level of technical development.
- hedge: 본래 '산울타리' 혹은 '산울타리를 치다'는 의미에서 유래해서 제한하다, 속박하다는 의미가 있다.
3. Anarchism does not necessarily imply a reversion to handicraft and outdoor sanitation.
- outdoor sanitation: 야외의 공중 위생 시설
4. it rules out the kind of air-conditioned, chromium-plated, gadget-ridden existence
5. Indeed, he takes what looks like a perverse pleasure in praising the things that are mechnically and collectively produced as against the achievement of the individual crasftaman
- perverse: 삐띡한
- perverse pleasure: 삐띡해 보이는 즐거움, 말하자면 그릇된 쾌락 정도 일까.
6. if you don't care for that particular poem, substitute some other that you do care for.
- care for = like로 사용된 예
7. It is just thinkable that books may some day be written by machinery, and it is quite easy to imagine poems being produced partly by fortuitous means--by some device similar to the kaleidoscope, for instance.
- fortuiouts: accidental
- kaleidoscope: 만화경
8. The only thing he acutely dislikes is conservatism, or, to put it more precisely, academicism.
- conservatism: 보수성
- 좀 더 정확히 말하자면: put it more precisely
9. He is always on the side of the young against the old. He is in favour of abstract painting and streamlined teapots because the aesthetic conservatives don't like them: and he is in favour of Anarchism because the political Conservatives, including the official Left, don't like that.
10. One can't say, though on some points posterity may decide.
- posterity: 후세, 후대.
- 아직 알 수 없고, 후대가 결정해 줄 것이라는 것.
11. Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it. This is an illusion, and one should recognise it as such, but on ought also to stick to one's own world-view, even at the price of seeming old-fashioned: for that world-view springs out of experiences that the younger generation has not had, and to abandon it is to kill one's intellectual roots.
- 마음에 드는 문장이라 박제해 둔다.
12. At this moment I recall particularly a passage describing the making of lead buckshot in a bullet-mould—and the joy of the act, he said, was not in the usefulness of the bullet but in the beauty of the silvery new-minted lead—and a poem written early in this war, "The Contrary Experience."
- mint: 주조하다
- buckshot: 탄의 일종
- new-minted lead: 새로이 주조된 납
13. in his origins, he is a Yorkshireman—that is, a member of a small, rustic, rather uncouth tribe whose members secretly believe all the other peoples of the earth to be just a little inferior to themselves.
- 그는 출신 상 요크셔 사람이고, 보다 uncouth한 종족이다. 스스로 다른 이들보다 자신이 약간 열등하다고 생각하는 그런 족속.
- uncouth: uncivilized
14. I am not decrying his critical activities.
- decry: denounce
15. his purely critical work has a sort of diffuseness, a wateriness, which comes from being too open-minded, too charitable, too civilised, too anxious to keep abreast of modern thought and remain in touch with all movements simultaneously, instead of giving expression to the vehement likes and dislikes which must be present in his mind, just as much as in any other writer's.
- 아주 열렬한 호오를 표현한다는 말을 영어로 이렇게 하겠다: vehement likes and dislikes.
- diffuseness: 장황함
- wateriness: 묽음, 싱거움, 재미없음
"나는 너를 까는게 아냐" 라는 식으로 말하면서 실상 엄청 고급스레 Read를 욕하고 있는 것 같은 오웰의 비평이랄까. 이런 문장이 몇 번 나오는데, 그게 재밌음 포인트였다. 특히 15번 문장을 봐, 어떻게 denouce가 아니냐구. lol
옛 세대, 현 세대의 태도와 자세에 대해 오늘날에도 내게 울림을 주던 글.
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