중2 영어 8과 (능률김)
단어 영영풀이 문제는 어느 학교나 유연하게 나오기 때문에 미리 학습해 두는 것이 좋다.
한 번씩 해제해 주고, 문제 풀게 해주어서 영영풀이에 익숙하게 해주면 된다.
다운로드 할 수 있는 파일 (단어 시험지/해설지)은 아래에 두었다.
영영단어 정리:
1. | Forest | a large area that is covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth |
2. | Lake | a large area of water surrounded by land |
3. | Shine | to produce bright light |
4. | Express | to convey a thought or feeling in words or by gestures |
5. | Thought | 1) a word, idea, or image that comes into your mind 2) an idea, plan, opinion, picture, etc., that is formed in your mind. |
6. | Colorful | having bright colors or a lot of different colors |
7. | Feather | one of the light soft things that cover a bird’s body |
8. | Appearance | the way that someone or something looks |
9. | Fly | to move through the air with wings |
10. | Explain | to tell someone about something in a way that is clear or easy to understand |
11. | Gorgeous | extremely beautiful or attractive |
12. | Praise | to express strong approval or admiration for someone or something, especially in public |
13. | Until | up to a particular time |
14. | Unlike | different from something or someone |
15. | Be free to | to be able to do what you want to do |
16. | Chase away | to run after people or animals to make them leave a place |
17. | Stuck | caught in a position so that you cannot move |
18. | Anywhere | in or to any place |
19. | Cage | a structure of metal bars or wires in which birds or other animals are kept |
20. | Impressive | deserving attention, admiration, or respect |
21. | Proud | feeling happy about your achievements, your possessions, or people who you are connected with |
22. | Answer | To say, write, or do something as a reaction to a question, letter, etc. |
23. | On the other hand |
In a way that is different from the first thing you mentioned |
24. | Once upon a time |
At some time in the past; a long time ago |
25. | Parrot | A brightly colored tropical bird that is often kept as a pet and can be taught to say a few words |
시험지 및 답안지 파일 pdf:
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