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중2 지학사 영어 7과 본문 빈칸 문제

by 50cm 2024. 11. 12.

어렵지 않은 난이도로 만들었는데, 해석 없이 본문 내용 외워서 풀기엔 이런 문제 유형이 제일 좋다. 조금 실력이 버거운 아이들은 개인 과외 할 때 옆에서 계속 같이 해석해주고, 해석 시켜 가며 빈칸 채우는 연습을 한다. 본문 외우는 데 도움이 많이 된다. 


아래에 pdf 파일을 첨부한다. 한 장으로 인쇄해서 써도 좋고, 답안은 파일에 있다. 



지학사 중2 영어 7과 본문 BLANK QUESTIONS




Jina: 1.______________ the Super Science Magic Show! It's always exciting 2._______ magic tricks. And it's 3.______________ to find out the secrets behind them. Some people think the secret of magic is science. Today, Ken, a member of the School Magic Club, will use science 4.__________ his tricks. Which tricks will he show us? I 5.____________ see them.



The Amazing Rising Water

Ken: Hello, everyone. Today, I'm going to show you something amazing. Here's a dish with water in it(=6.________). Now, I'll put a candle 7.____________________ the dish. Next, I'll light the candle and cover it 8._______ a glass. “Abracadabra!”

Jina: Look at the water! How come it 9.________ into the glass?

Ken: Air expands when it gets hot and creates higher pressure. When it gets cold, air 10.___________ and creates 11.__________ pressure. When the flame burnt out, the air inside the glass cooled down. As the air cooled down, the air pressure12.______________ . So the air outside the glass was at a higher pressure. It 13.____________ the water into the glass.



The Secret of the Disappearing Water

Ken: Now, I'm going to fill one of these cups 14.________ water. I will move them around to 15.________ you. Jina, which cup has the water in it?

Jina: That's easy! It's the middle one.

Ken: Okay, let's check. See? No water.

Jina: Show me 16.___________ cups.

Ken: See? There's no water.

Jina: Wow! 17.________________ the water disappeared?

Ken: Before the trick, I put a special material into one of the cups. The material absorbed the water and 18.____________ it 19._________  jelly. Then the jelly stuck to the bottom. If you want to try this trick, it's 20._____________ to use cups that you can't 21.______________.

Jina: Thank you for your great performance. It was really amazing!



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지학사 중2 영어 7과 본문 빈칸선택 문제.pdf
