지학사 자료가 찾기 어려운 편에 속한다. 내신 준비하는 이들을 위해 본문 내용 업로드 한다. 아래에 pdf 파일 별첨하였다.
Jina: Welcome to the Super Science Magic Show! It's always exciting to see magic tricks. And it's more exciting to find out the secrets behind them(=magic tricks). Some people think (that) the secret of magic is science. Today, Ken, (a member of the School Magic Club,) will use science to perform his tricks. Which tricks will he show us? I can't wait to see(=look forward to seeing)them(=tricks).
The Amazing Rising Water
Ken: Hello, everyone. Today, I'm going to show you something amazing(I’m going to show something amazing to you). Here's a dish with water in it[=dish]. Now, I'll put a candle in the middle of the dish. Next, I'll light the candle and cover it(=the candle) with a glass. “Abracadabra!”
Jina: Look at the water! How come it rose(*not raised) into the glass?
Ken: Air expands when it(=air) gets hot and creates higher pressure. When it gets cold, air contracts and creates lower pressure. When the flame burnt out, the air inside the glass cooled down. As the air cooled down, the air pressure dropped. So the air outside the glass was at a higher pressure. It(the air outside the glass) pushed the water into the glass.
- Expand: (부피) 팽창하다
- Extend: (길이) 늘이다
- Expend: 쓰다, 소비하다
The Secret of the Disappearing Water
Ken: Now, I'm going to fill one of these cups with water. (*fill A with B) I will move them around to confuse you. Jina, which cup has the water in it?
Jina: That's easy! It's the middle one.
Ken: Okay, let's check. See? No water.
Jina: Show me the other cups.
Ken: See? There's no water.
Jina: Wow! How come the water disappeared(=why did the water disappear)?
Ken: Before the trick, I put a special material into one of the cups. The material absorbed the water and turned it into jelly. Then the jelly stuck(stick의 과거형) to the bottom. If you want to try this trick, it's necessary to use cups that you can't see through.
Jina: Thank you for your great performance. It was really amazing!
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'Materials' 카테고리의 다른 글
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