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George Orwell, Through a Glass, Rosily (Essay) p.33-37 1. the recent article by Tribune's Vienna correspondent provoked a spate of angry letters which, besides calling him a fool and a liar and making other charges of what one might call a routine nature, also carried the very serious implication that he ought to have kept silent even if he knew that he was speaking the truth. - spate: a sudden flood in a river; a large number of similar things or e.. 2022. 12. 28.
Reading George Orwell (p.30-33) 1. 거절하는 멋진 표현. 그저 '그 날이 안돼, 나 잘 몰라.' 이렇게 말할 수도 있지만, 그저 솔직히 당신께 내가 이해하는 바에 따르면 나는 그 운동의 목표에 동의하지 않는다고 밝히고 싶다는 담백한 문장. I could easily get out of it by saying that the date is impossible or--what is quite true--that I know nothing about Jugoslavia, but I prefer to tell you plainly that I am not in agreement with the League's ultimate objectives as I understand them. - 당시 영국에선, (지금은 아닌 것 같지만) Yogosl.. 2022. 12. 27.
much as 뜻, 예문 I belong to the Left and must work inside it, much as I hate Russian totalitarianism and its poisonous influence in this country. 조지 오웰은 Atholl의 공작부인에게 보내는 편지에서 (1945년 11월) 다음과 같은 문장을 쓴다. 이때 'much as'는 '비록 ~이기는 할 지라도' 정도로 이해할 수 있다. 유고슬라비아 문제에 대해 자신과 뜻을 함께해 주기를 바라는 스코틀랜드 출신의 정치인에게 거절의 편지를 보내는 맥락이다. 'although' 정도의 뉘앙스로 이해할 수 있다. Much as I liked you, I was really swamped with my job at the time. * .. 2022. 12. 26.
keep off, a cut above, bring out 뜻, 예문 1. “Terrible indictments” Indictment: 고발, 고소, a formal charge of a serious crime 2. He was good so long as he kept off politics - keep off: avoid encroaching on - 그가 정치문제를 다루지 않는 한 그는 괜찮다. 3. A cut above most of these was Barry Pain. - a cut above: superior to - 이들보다 더 나은 사람이 배리 페인이다. 4. To anyone who comes across it I recommend what must now be a very rare book—The Octave of Claudius, a brillia.. 2022. 12. 23.