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비교급을 활용한 최상급 표현: 부정어 주어를 활용해 최상급 표현

by 50cm 2024. 12. 18.

중2 교과 과정 문법에서 나오는 내용으로, 일부 중3 과정과 겹친다. 


기본적으로, 최상급 표현을 여러 비교급을 활용해서 표현할 수 있다는 것이 요지이다.



= No (other) 단수명사 ~ 비교급 than

= no (other) 단수명사 ~ as 원급 as

= 비교급 than any other 단수명사

= 비교급 than all the other 복수명사


명사가 '단수명사'인 것이 핵심이므로 이 부분을 잘 외워두자.


Jay is the happiest girl in the world. 

= No (other) girl is as[so] happy as Jay in the world. 

= No (other) girl is happier than Jay in the world. 

= Jay is happier than any other girl in the world. 

= Jay is happier than all the other girls in the world. 


다시 강조. no, any other 뒤에는 단수 명사를 쓴다.

하지만 all the other 뒤에는 복수 명사를 써야 한다. 



Venus is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. 

= No (other) planet is as[so] beautiful as Venus in our solar system. 

= No (other) planet is more beautiful than Venus in our solar system. 

= Venus is more beautiful than any other planet in our solar system. 

= Venus is more beautiful than all the other planets in our solar system. 



The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest novel. 

= No other novel is as great as The Brother Karamazov.

= No other novel is greater than The Brother Karamazov. 

= The Brother Karamazov is greater than any other novel.

= The Brother Karamazov is greater than all the other novels.
