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조동사 용례 (must have p.p. / would have p.p. / may as well ...)

by 50cm 2024. 12. 24.

Looking back, I infer that there must have been something in me a little superior to the common run of youths, otherwise the above-mentioned men, so much older than me and higher in academical position, would never have allowed me to associate with them. 

*The common run of youths: 보통 (정도, 수준의) 젊은이들

*Run: (사람, 물건 따위) 보통 cf. the common run of men: 보통 사람 *Above-mentioned: 위에서 말한, 상기의

*Academic position: 학문적 지위 *Associate: 교제하다, 어울리다, 사귀다


돌이켜 보면, 나는 추측한다 / 나에게   우수한 어떤 것이 있었음에 틀림 없다고 / 보통 젊은이들보다. 그렇지 않았다면, 위에서 말한 사람들은, (나보다 나이도 많고 학문적인 지위도 높은,) 자신들과 내가 어울리는 것을 허용하지 않았을 것이다. 




He may have done it.

그가 그것을 했을지도 모른다. 

*may have p.p.: 과거의 일에 대한 약한 추측 (it is possible/likely that~)


She must have been a beauty in her day.

그녀는 젊은 시절 미인이었음에 틀림 없다.

*must have p.p.: 과거의 일에 대한 단정적인 추측


He cannot have gone far yet.

그가 아직 멀리 갔을  없다.

*cannot have p.p.: 과거의 일에 대한 부정 추측


You should have watched Dead Poets Society.

너는 ‘Dead Poets Society(죽은 시인의 사회)’ 봤어야 했는데.

*should have p.p. = ought to have p.p. (과거의 일에 대한 후회, 유감. 후회나 유감이 반드시 포함이다.)

즉, I'm sorry that절이 된다. 

*shoud not have p.p. = ought not to have p.p. 임에 유의

I have been asked to speak on the question how to make the best of life, but may as well confess at once that I know nothing about it. I cannot think that I have made the best of my own life, nor is it likely that I shall make much better of what may or may not remain to me. 

*make the best of~: ~ 가장  사용하다, 선용하다

*it is likely that~: ~  같다


나는 부탁을 받았다 / 질문에 대해 말해 달라고 / 인생을 어떻게  살아갈 것인가에 대해서 / 하지만 즉시 고백하는 것이 나을 것이다 / 내가그것에 관해 아무것도 모른다고. / 나는 생각할  없다 / 내가 지금까지 인생을  살아왔다고 / 또한 그럴  같지도 않다 / 내게 남아 있을혹은 남아 있지 않을 인생을   사용할  같지도 않다. 



You may as well not know a thing as know it imperfectly.

어떤 것을 모르는 것이 낫다 / 그것을 불완전하게 아느니. (어떤 일을 불완전하게 아느니 모르는 편이 낫다.)


He may well be proud of his son.

그는 그의 아들을 자랑스러워 하는 것이 당연하다.

*may well: '당연하지!'로 외우라고 강조한다. 


You may as well leave at once. 

너는 즉시 떠나는 것이 낫다.

*may as well: -하는 것이 낫다

*may as well A as B: B하느니 A하는 것이 낫다. 

