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전체 글84

'의심의 여지 없다' 영어로. G. Orwell Reading (p.40-44) 1. That is, that sport is an unfailing cause of ill-will (…) - ill-will: 악감정, 악의 2. Even the newspapers have been unable to conceal the fact that at least two of the four matches played led to much bad feeling. - conceal: 감추다, 숨기다 3. The Glasgow match, someone else informs me, was simply a free-for-all from the start. - free-for-all: 원하는 것을 얻기 위해 무엇이든 하든 무한경쟁을 뜻한다. 4. As usual, everyone answers .. 2023. 1. 3.
George Orwell, "Freedom of the Park" p. 37-40 1. A few weeks ago, five people who were selling papers outside Hyde Park were arrested by the police for obstruction. When taken before magistrates they were all found guilty, four of them being bound over for six months and the other sentenced to forth shillings' fine or a month's imprisonment. - obstruction: 방해, obstacle - magistrate: 하급 판사 - bind over: in UK, 집행유예를 말한다. 2. The papers these p.. 2023. 1. 2.
원서 읽기: Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground p.13-15 Such a gentleman simply dashes straight for his object like an infuriated bull with its horns down, and nothing but a wall will stop him. -with 분사구문 -nothing but: only -infuriated: enraged By the way: facing the wall, such gentlemen—that is, the “direct” persons and men of action—are genuinely nonplussed. For them a wall is not an evasion, as for us people who think and consequently do nothing; .. 2023. 1. 2.
Notes from Underground (p.5-12) 지하생활자의 수기, 원서 읽기 1. I can’t explain who it is precisely that I am mortifying in this case by my spite. - mortifying: embarrassing 2. I did not take bribes, you see, so I was bound to find a recompense in than, at least. - recompense: pay, redress. 3. I have seen myself that I only wanted to show off in a despicable way - despicable: vile, base, mean, filthy 4. I carried on a feud with him for eighteen months ove.. 2022. 12. 29.
George Orwell, Through a Glass, Rosily (Essay) p.33-37 1. the recent article by Tribune's Vienna correspondent provoked a spate of angry letters which, besides calling him a fool and a liar and making other charges of what one might call a routine nature, also carried the very serious implication that he ought to have kept silent even if he knew that he was speaking the truth. - spate: a sudden flood in a river; a large number of similar things or e.. 2022. 12. 28.
Reading George Orwell (p.30-33) 1. 거절하는 멋진 표현. 그저 '그 날이 안돼, 나 잘 몰라.' 이렇게 말할 수도 있지만, 그저 솔직히 당신께 내가 이해하는 바에 따르면 나는 그 운동의 목표에 동의하지 않는다고 밝히고 싶다는 담백한 문장. I could easily get out of it by saying that the date is impossible or--what is quite true--that I know nothing about Jugoslavia, but I prefer to tell you plainly that I am not in agreement with the League's ultimate objectives as I understand them. - 당시 영국에선, (지금은 아닌 것 같지만) Yogosl.. 2022. 12. 27.
much as 뜻, 예문 I belong to the Left and must work inside it, much as I hate Russian totalitarianism and its poisonous influence in this country. 조지 오웰은 Atholl의 공작부인에게 보내는 편지에서 (1945년 11월) 다음과 같은 문장을 쓴다. 이때 'much as'는 '비록 ~이기는 할 지라도' 정도로 이해할 수 있다. 유고슬라비아 문제에 대해 자신과 뜻을 함께해 주기를 바라는 스코틀랜드 출신의 정치인에게 거절의 편지를 보내는 맥락이다. 'although' 정도의 뉘앙스로 이해할 수 있다. Much as I liked you, I was really swamped with my job at the time. * .. 2022. 12. 26.
keep off, a cut above, bring out 뜻, 예문 1. “Terrible indictments” Indictment: 고발, 고소, a formal charge of a serious crime 2. He was good so long as he kept off politics - keep off: avoid encroaching on - 그가 정치문제를 다루지 않는 한 그는 괜찮다. 3. A cut above most of these was Barry Pain. - a cut above: superior to - 이들보다 더 나은 사람이 배리 페인이다. 4. To anyone who comes across it I recommend what must now be a very rare book—The Octave of Claudius, a brillia.. 2022. 12. 23.