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전체 글84

As good as-: -와 다름 아닌, -에 준하는 “In a man’s attachment to life there is something stronger than all the ills in the world. The body’s judgment is as good as the mind’s, and the body shrinks from annihilation. We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking.” 1. 삶에 대한 인간의 애착에는 세계의 모든 악보다 강한 뭔가가 있다. 신체의 판단력은 정신의 그것에 준하며, 신체는 소멸로부터 움츠러든다. 우리는 생각하는 습관을 갖기 전에 살아가는 습관을 배운다. 2. 카뮈의 “시지프 신화(the myth of sisyphus).. 2024. 11. 9.
중2 동아(윤) 7과 단어 영영풀이 (시험지 파일 포함) 영영풀이 단어 해제 및 시험지시험지 파일은 pdf로 아래에 첨부되어 있다.  1.Container something that you use to keep things in2.MoonA round object that moves around a planet other than Earth3.Float to move slowly and gently through the water or the air4.Roll to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over5.Swallow to make food or drink go down your throat6.Curious wanting to know about something7.Thirsty.. 2024. 11. 8.
중2 능률김 8과 단어 (영영풀이) 중2 영어 8과 (능률김) 단어 영영풀이 문제는 어느 학교나 유연하게 나오기 때문에 미리 학습해 두는 것이 좋다. 한 번씩 해제해 주고, 문제 풀게 해주어서 영영풀이에 익숙하게 해주면 된다.  다운로드 할 수 있는 파일 (단어 시험지/해설지)은 아래에 두었다.  영영단어 정리:1.Forest a large area that is covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth2.Lake a large area of water surrounded by land3.Shineto produce bright light4.Express to convey a thought or feeling in words or by gestures5.Thought 1) a word, idea, or .. 2024. 11. 7.
능률김 중3 7과 단어 영영풀이 Vocabulary (Lesson 7)  영영풀이를 보고 어떤 단어일 지 추론해 보자.  1.      Something that humans have thought of and made2.      Information sent in the form of light, sound, electricity, etc., by a machine.3.      A chemical or food that provides what Is needed to live and grow4.      Seen or done quite often5.      A piece of work that must be done6.      The action of taking things such as letters, parcels, o.. 2024. 11. 2.
to부정사의 의미상 주어 for+목적격 1. it for toV 구문이 아니어도, for 의미상 주어, to부정사를 사용한다.  “This natural desire to run even more became a powerful motivation for me to not go back to smoking, and a great help in overcoming the withdrawal symptoms.” (Murakami Haruki) 주어: this natural desire to run even more동사: became보어: a powerful motivation 명사 a powerful motivation을 뒤에 오는 to부정사구, 'to not go back'이 수식해 주고 있는데, 물론 엄밀히 말하면 'not to go back.. 2024. 11. 2.
이유의 접속사 that 이유를 나타내는 접속사 that So I didn’t have to think too much about which sport to choose—not that I had much of a choice—when I decided to go running. (Murakami Haruki) not that SV: ~해서가 아니라, -했기 때문이 아니라. 2024. 11. 2.
올림포스 고교 독해의 기본2 unit 2 중에서 However, measuring results(동명사주어) has (단수동사) problems with validity, / because results[S] may be affected[V] by circumstances / beyond each employee’s performance. Also, if the organization[S] measures[V] only final results, it[S] may fail to measure[V] significant aspects of performance [that are not directly related to those results.] 하지만, 결과를 평가하는 것은 타당성 문제를 갖는다, 왜냐하면 결과는 각 직원의 성과와 상관 없는 상황들에.. 2024. 10. 29.
고덕중3 7과 추가지문/외부자료 "The Farmer and the Well" Once a man sold his well to a farmer. When the farmer went to draw water from that well the next day, the man did not allow him to draw water from it. He said, “I sold you the well, not the water, so you cannot draw water from it.” The farmer became very angry and went to see the wise emperor, Akbar. He described everything to Akbar and asked for help. The emperor called Birbal and handed over t.. 2024. 10. 26.